Monday, October 25, 2010

Who your friends are

It's interesting who your friends are. And sometimes the people who have your back are not necessarily the ones that you think it'll be. But when somone offers to break knee caps for you, and you know that they mean it, then you know that they've got your back!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Getting lost on a 'road trip'

Well, road trip may be a bit of an overstatement . . . but we did get a wee bit lost. On Saturday I headed out with some wedding photographer friends to go and find the car museum just off the N1. We did most of it right but apparently missed a small but crucial turn and ended up on a random road with a randomly awesome field and randomly awesome derelict couple of houses. Just your average photo outing :)

If you'd like to see more of my landscape pics you can see them here. They are, like these, at a fairly low res to allow for faster loading.