Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Hard Rain Project

Was anyone else disappointed by the project part of the Hard Rain Project? I went along on the weekend to Kirstenbosch to go and check out the exhibition and was really moved. The lyrics and images make for a potent combination. But all of that potency just dissipates when visiting the website. Here there's no real project behind the Hard Rain Project . . . well, unless you count the self aggrandisement of Mark Edwards, the man behind the concept and most of the images. Maybe I'm being too harsh. Maybe there's something here that I'm not seeing in amongst the plaudits and the praise for the book and the exhibition. One thing I'm really not seeing is a site devoted to concrete action. Which is what I was hoping to find. With an exhibition devoted to the virulent effects of humanity's greed on the environment I was hoping to find a project that does something to counter those effects. But no such luck I'm afraid. The exhibition is still definitley worth a look though.

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