Sunday, April 13, 2008

To Freebie or Not To Freebie

It's such a tricky question this one . . . should you offer friends or family freebies on photography? I've chatted to some other photographers about this and they've given me some stern advice on this score: people tend to think that all you're doing is 'taking photos'; they don't realise that there's skill and time and training and effort involved. The advice that I was given is that it's our job as photographers to make them aware of that skill and time and training and effort. That it's not just a simple matter of clicking the shutter and then handing over the digital negatives, especially not when it comes to the hours of post processing that we often get into. I know one photographer who gives a 30% discount for friends and family, which I initially thought was quite harsh, but now am beginning to think is quite reasonable as I've sudeently discovered 'friends' smooging around angling for a freebie. I've given freebies in the past, and I'll probably give them again in the future, but I'm really of the opinion that people shouldn't ask for a freebie, that a freebie is that once in a while freely given spontaneous thing. Something that's given because its a joy to give. Or because you feel like helping out a friend. So the advice that I now want is how to deal with those that just don't seem to get that and who, in the process, make the act of giving something vaguely unpleasant . . . like visiting the dentist! And me being the person I am, I still sit and agonise over not giving them the freebie! Bugger!

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