Saturday, November 8, 2008

Photo outing with Dan (and Bear)

It's quite annoying that it loads the pics up assbackwards, but it's too early to get too anal retentive! Dan and I went on a photo-outing (clearly I got started very early on in the day).

We started in the Melkbos Nature Reserve (my folks are still on at me to get them a shot of Table Mountain . . . which I'm clearly struggling with!). While there Bear got attacked by a Boerbull - horrible dogs - and I turned into a crazy woman - throwing my camera down in the sand and apparently yelling "Don't you dare bite my dog!" (I have no recollection of this). I do remember grabbing the Boerbull - whose name is Rocky - by the collar and yanking him backwards and then pushing his head into the sand. At which point I kind of thought that I might be being a little braver than I really am. Turns out Rocky decided that I was clearly pack leader and was quite happy to make friends with me (just not with my dog!). Dan - alerted by all the ruccous - came to save his Bear only to discover that Bear had thought being pinned down and throttled a great game. Bullmastiffs rock.

Rocky's owner was very apologetic and said he'd never done anything like that before. And then went on, during the course of our remarkably civil conversation, to explain how he was a Boerbull mixed with a St Bernard and that the reason they went for this dog was because their last 'thoroughbred' Boerbull had turned aggressive and that they'd now done research on these guys and they were meant to be less aggressive. I wanted to ask her what increments she used to measure that drop in aggression. And whether she knew that St Bernard's are also known for their aggression and taciturn natures. But, hey, you can't throw someone else's dog and be rude to them in one day.
So (rant out of the way) we then decided to drive out into the farmland between the N7 and the N1. After that it was off for a farmhouse breakfast at Bloemendal - where Bear got the respect he so very rightly deserves: the chef sent out an extra plate of bacon for him :)


Notserious said...

These pics are stunning. How is bear's training coming on??

Big Day Big Picture said...

Hi hon! Didn't know you were on blogger - it won't let me follow the link back to your page!

Bear's training . . . ? Well, let's just say he's being home-schooled ;)